Queen of Cups ~

This Queen is all about the element of Water in a most magickal way.  It's about listening to your inner voice, interpreting your own dreams, paying attention to visions, tuning in to the amazing synchronicity that must be surrounding you at this time. 

This card also gives us a head up to listen and follow our gut instinct.  It's directing us towards relationships, but at the same time it's warning some of us not to hang on to something ( like circumstances, or an individual) when the time has come to let go.  What you're hanging on to so wistfully, with such determination and tightly clenched fists, might actually be preventing you from moving forward in directions you are meant to go.

This card is also giving us a message ~ Just because your cup may be empty now, doesn't mean it shall remain so.



  1. perfect reading for on!

  2. Accurate card as I have someone who's loyalty is being tested by their S/O. They have been put into a position where they must choose between loyalties I also must make a choice whether to continue being loyal to them. .

  3. This was perfect for today....thank you. <3
